Apple launched its latest update iOS 8.3 to all iPhone, iPad and iPod touch users which includes a ton of new emoji characters and many bug fixes. Apple has redesigned its emoji selector to accommodate all the new choices which also include more diverse options. According to the Verge, Apple in iOS 8.3 added support for Apple's personal assistant,
The update also said to improve stability, overall performance and bug fixes for Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, third-party keyboards and a host of other apps.
Among other new changes, Apple now allow users to report junk messages, and users now also have the option of complete filtering of iMessages that does not come from its contacts.
In iPhone 6 Plus, users will now find a dedicated formatting keys for bold and underline in the landscape keyboard.
Apple has also fixed the bug in Safari searches by adjustments to the keyboard and the fixing of the space bar.
In the update, there are more bug fixes and improvements.
Apple is working hard to solidify iOS 8's reliability as the company prepares to shift its focus to the next version, iOS 9, which is likely to be unveiled in June.
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